Don’t Be In A Relationship If You’re Going To Act Single

Don’t Be In A Relationship If You’re Going To Act Single

When you’re in a relationship, there are a lot of things you give up from your single days. This should go without saying but unfortunately, there are a lot of people that don’t.

You should act like you’re in a relationship even when your girlfriend/boyfriend isn’t right there with you. This will differ from relationship to relationship, person to person but think about it like this, there are things you simply wouldn’t do in the presence of the person you’re dating. You probably shouldn’t do those same things when they’re not there.

Again, this will be different for everyone depending on the relationship and the person.  For example, some people are okay with innocent flirting or checking out the opposite sex when their significant other isn’t around just as long as nothing comes out of it.

Basically, if you choose to be in a relationship, there are responsibilities that come with it so commit yourself and give up your single ways or you’ll end up hurting people, including yourself.
