A Gentleman Should Always Give Up His Seat For The Elderly

A Gentleman Should Always Give Up His Seat For The Elderly

I live in a big city and you don’t see this as often as you should, but gentlemen, if you’re sitting down on a bus, train, waiting area, etc and you see an elderly person, a pregnant woman, someone who has a cane, crutches, or anyone who could use the seat more than you, please offer your seat to them.

This small gesture is actually a big one and can go a long way of making someone smile. You should do this regardless of living in a big city or not.

Also, please offer it to them without having someone hint to you or politely ask, if you can. Even if you worked a long day and you’re extremely exhausted, I’m sure they could use the seat just a little more than you.

I would say this should go without saying but unfortunately, we don’t see these kinds of gestures as often as we should. Let’s show people by example and maybe they’re do the same down the road!
